Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Correlational designs provide an opportunity for you to predict scores and explain the
relationship among variables. In correlational research designs, investigators use the cor￾relation statistical test to describe and measure the degree of association (or relationship)
between two or more variables or sets of scores. In this design, the researchers do not
attempt to control or manipulate the variables as in an experiment; instead, they relate,
using the correlation statistic, two or more scores for each person (e.g., a stunt motiva￾tion and a student achievement score for each individual).
A correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or pattern for two (or more)
variables or two sets of data to vary consistently. In the case of only two variables, this
means that two variables share common variance, or they co-vary together. To say that
two variables co-vary has a somewhat complicated mathematical basis. Co-vary means
that we can predict a score on one variable with knowledge about the individual’s score
on another variable. A simple example might illustrate this point. Assume that scores on
a math quiz for fourth-grade students range from 30 to 90. We are interested in whether
scores on an in-class exercise in math (one variable) can predict the student’s math quiz
scores (another variable). If the scores on the exercise do not explain the scores on the
ath quiz, then we cannot predict anyone’s score except to say that it might range from
30 to 90. If the exercise could explain the variance in all of the math quiz scores, then
we could predict the math scores perfectly. This situation is seldom achieved; instead,
we might fi nd that 40% of the variance in math quiz scores is explained by scores on the
exercise. This narrows our prediction on math quiz scores from 30 to 90 to something
less, such as 40 to 60. The idea is that as variance increases, we are better able to predict
scores from the independent to the dependent variable (Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996).
 The statistic that expresses a correlation statistic as a linear relationship is the product–moment correlation coefficient.
 is also called the bivariate correlation, zero-order
corre lation, or simply r, and it is indicated by an “r” for its notation. The statistic is calculated for two variables ( r
xy ) by multiplying the z scores on X and Y for each case and then divid￾ing by the number of case minus one (e.g., see the detailed steps in Vockell & Ashner, o
as the prediction that ability, quality of schooling, student motivation, and academic
coursework infl uence student achievement (Anderson & Keith, 1997). You also use this
design when you know and can apply statistical knowledge based on calculating the cor￾relation statistical test.
How Did Correlational Research Develop?
The history of correlational research draws on the themes of the origin and development
of the correlation statistical test and the procedures for using and interpreting the test. Stat￾isticians fi rst developed the procedures for calculating the correlation statistics in the late
19th century (Cowles, 1989). Although British biometricians articulated the basic ideas ofWHAT ARE THE KEY CHARACTERISTICS OF CORRELATIONAL DESIGNS?
As suggested by the explanatory and prediction designs, correlation research includes
specifi c characteristics:
◆ Displays of scores (scatterplots and matrices)
◆ Associations between scores (direction, form, and strength)
◆ Multiple variable analysis (partial correlations and multiple regression)
 Displays of Scores
If you have two scores, in correlation research you can plot these scores on a graph (or
scatterplot) or present them in a table (or correlation matrix).
Researchers plot scores for two variables on a graph to provide a visual picture of the
form of the scores. This allows researchers to identify the type of association among vari￾ables and locate extreme scores. Most importantly, this plot can provide useful informa￾tion about the form of the association—whether the scores are linear (follow a straightline) or curvilinear (follow a U-shaped form). It also indicates the direction of the associ￾ation (e.g., one score goes up and the other goes up as well) and the degree of the asso￾ciation (whether the relationship is perfect, with a correlation of 1.0, or less than perfect).
A plot helps to assess this association between two scores for participants. A scat￾terplot (or scatter diagram) is a pictorial image displayed on a graph of two sets of
scores for participants. These scores are typically identifi ed as X and Y, with X values
represented on the horizontal axis, and Y values represented on the vertical axis. A single
point indicates where the X and Y scores intersect for one individual.
Using scales on the horizontal (abscissa) axis and on the vertical (ordinate) axis,
the investigator plots points on a graph for each participant. Examine the scatterplot of
scores in Figure 11.1, which shows both a small data set for 10 students and a visual plot
of their scores. Assume that the correlation researcher seeks to study whether the use of
the Internet by high school students relates to their level of depression. (We can assume
that students who use the Internet excessively are also depressed individuals because
they are trying to escape and not cope with present situations.) From past research, we
would predict this situation to be the case. We measure scores on the use of the Internet
by asking the students how many hours per week they spend searching the Internet. We
measure individual depression scores on an instrument with proven valid and reliable
scores. Assume that there are 15 questions about depression on the instrument with a
rating scale from 1 ( strongly disagree) to 5 ( strongly agree). This means that the summed
scores will range from 15 to 45.
As shown in Figure 11.1, hypothetical scores for 10 students are collected and plot￾ted on the graph. Several aspects about this graph will help you understand it:
◆ The “hours of Internet use” variable is plotted on the X axis, the horizontal axis.
◆ The “depression” variable is plotted on the Y axis, the vertical axis.
Example of a Scatterplot
Depression Scores
Y = D.V.
Hours of
Use per
(Scores from
15 to 45)
Mean Score
45 Hours of Internet Use Per Week
X = I.V.
+ –
10 15 20Each student in the study has two scores: one for hours per week of Internet use
and one for depression.
◆ A mark (or point) on the graph indicates the score for each individual on depres￾sion and hours of Internet use each week. There are 10 scores (points) on the
graph, one for each participant in the study.
The mean scores ( M) on each variable are also plotted on the graph. The students
used the Internet for an average of 9.7 hours per week, and their average depression
score was 29.3. Drawing vertical and horizontal lines on the graph that relate to the
mean scores ( M), we can divide the plot into four quadrants and assign a minus (–) to
quadrants where scores are “negative” and a plus (+) to quadrants where the scores are
“positive.” In our example, to have a depression score below 29.3 ( M) is positive because
that suggests that the students with such a score have less depression. To score above
29.3 ( M) indicates more severe depression, and this is “negative.” Alternatively, to use the
Internet less than 9.7 ( M) hours per week is “positive” (i.e., because students can then
spend more time on homework), whereas to spend more time than 9.7 hours is “nega￾tive” (i.e., overuse of Internet searching is at the expense of something else). To be both
highly depressed (above 29.3 on depression) and to use the Internet frequently (above
9.7 on Internet use) is what we might have predicted based on past literature.
Note three important aspects about the scores on this plot. First, the direction of
scores shows that when X increases, Y increases as well, indicating a positive association.
Second, the points on the scatterplot tend to form a straight line. Third, the points would
be reasonably close to a straight line if we were to draw a line through all of them. These
three ideas relate to direction, form of the association, and the degree of relationship that
we can learn from studying this scatterplot. We will use this information later when we
discuss the association between scores in correlation research.
A Correlation Matrix
Correlation researchers typically display correlation coeffi cients in a matrix. A correlation
matrix presents a visual display of the correlation coeffi cients for all variables in a study.
In this display, we list all variables on both a horizontal row and a vertical column in the
table. Correlational researchers present correlation coeffi cients in a matrix in publishedWHAT ARE THE STEPS IN CONDUCTING
From our discussion about the key characteristics of correlational research, we can begin
to see steps emerge that you might use when planning or conducting a study. The fol￾lowing steps illustrate the process of conducting correlational research.
Step 1. Determine If a Correlational Study Best Addresses
the Research Problem
A correlational study is used when a need exists to study a problem requiring the identi-
fi cation of the direction and degree of association between two sets of scores. It is useful
for identifying the type of association, explaining complex relationships of multiple fac￾tors that explain an outcome, and predicting an outcome from one or more predictors.
Correlational research does not “prove” a relationship; rather, it indicates an association
between two or more variables.
Because you are not comparing groups in a correlational study, you use research
questions rather than hypotheses. Sample questions in a correlational study might be:
◆ Is creativity related to IQ test scores for elementary children? (associating two variables)
◆ What factors explain a student teacher’s ethical behavior during the student-teaching
experience? (exploring a complex relationship)
◆Step 2. Identify Individuals to Study
Ideally, you should randomly select the individuals to generalize results to the popula￾tion, and seek permissions to collect the data from responsible authorities and from
the institutional review board. The group needs to be of adequate size for use of the
correlational statistic, such as N = 30; larger sizes contribute to less error variance and bet￾ter claims of representativeness. For instance, a researcher might study 100 high school
athletes to correlate the extent of their participation in different sports and their use of
tobacco. A narrow range of scores from a population may infl uence the strength of the
correlation relationships. For example, if you look at the relationship between height of
basketball players and number of baskets in a game, you might fi nd a strong relationship
among K–12th graders. But if you are selecting NBA players, this relationship may be
signifi cantly weaker.
Step 3. Identify Two or More Measures for
Each Individual in the Study
Because the basic idea of correlational research is to compare participants in this single
group on two or more characteristics, measures of variables in the research question
need to be identifi ed (e.g., literature search of past studies), and instruments that mea￾sure the variables need to be obtained. Ideally, these instruments should have proven
validity and reliability. You can obtain permissions from publishers or authors to use the
instruments. Typically one variable is measured on each instrument, but a single instru￾ment might contain both variables being correlated in the study.
Step 4. Collect Data and Monitor Potential Threats
The next step is to administer the instruments and collect at least two sets of data from
each individual. The actual research design is quite simple as a visual presentation. Two
data scores are collected for each individual until you obtain scores from each person in
the study. This is illustrated with three individuals as follows:
Participants: Measures or Observations:
Individual 1 01 02
Individual 2 01 02
Individual 3 01 02
This situation holds for describing the association between two variables or for predicting
a single outcome from a single predictor variable. You collect multiple independent vari￾ables to understand complex relationships.
A small sample database for 10 college students is shown in Table 11.3. The inves￾tigator seeks to explain the variability in fi rst-year grade point averages (GPAs) for these
10 graduate students in education. Assume that our investigator has identifi ed these four
predictors in a review of the literature. In past studies, these predictors have positively
correlated with achievement in college. The researcher can obtain information for the
predictor variables from the college admissions offi ce. The criterion, GPA during the
fi rst year, is available from the registrar’s offi ce. In this regression study, the researcher
seeks to identify which one factor or combination of factors best explains the variance
in fi rst-year graduate-student GPAs. A review of this data shows that the scores varied on
each variable, with more variation among GRE scores than among recommendation andfi t-to-program scores. Also, it appears that higher college GPA and GRE scores are posi￾tively related to higher fi rst-semester GPAs.
In this example, because the data were available from admissions offices, the
researcher need not be overly concerned about procedures that threaten the validity of
the scores. However, a potential for restricted range of scores—little variation in scores—
certainly exists. Other factors that might affect the researcher’s ability to draw valid infer￾ences from the results are the lack of standard administration procedures, the conditions
of the testing situation, and the expectations of participants.
 Step 5. Analyze the Data and Represent the Results
The objective in correlational research is to describe the degree of association between
two or more variables. The investigator looks for a pattern of responses and uses statisti￾cal procedures to determine the strength of the relationship as well as its direction. A sta￾tistically signifi cant relationship, if found, does not imply causation (cause and effect) but
merely an association between the variables. More rigorous procedures, such as those
used in experiments, can provide better control than those used in a correlational study.
The analysis begins with coding the data and transferring it from the instruments into
a computer fi le. Then the researcher needs to determine the appropriate statistic to use.
An initial question is whether the data are linearly or curvilinearly related. A scatterplot of
the scores (if a bivariate study) can help determine this question. Also, consider whether:
◆ Only one independent variable is being studied (Pearson’s correlation coeffi cient)
◆ A mediating variable explains both the independent and dependent variables and
needs to be controlled (partial correlation coeffi cient)◆ More than one independent variable needs to be studied to explain the variability
in a dependent variable (multiple regression coeffi cient)
Based on the most appropriate statistical test, the researcher next calculates whether
the statistic is signifi cant based on the scores. For example, a p value is obtained in a
bivariate study by:
◆ Setting the alpha level
◆ Using the critical values of an r table, available in many statistics books
◆ Using degrees of freedom of N = 2 with this table
◆ Calculating the observed r coeffi cient and comparing it with the r-critical value
◆ Rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis at a specifi c signifi cance level, such
as p 6 0.05
In addition, it is useful to also report effect size ( r 2). In correlational analysis, the
effect size is the Pearson’s correlation coeffi cient squared. In representing the results, the
correlational researcher will present a correlation matrix of all variables as well as a sta￾tistical table (for a regression study) reporting the R and R 2
 values and the beta weights
for each variable.
Step 6. Interpret the Results
The fi nal step in conducting a correlational study is interpreting the meaning of the
results. This requires discussing the magnitude and the direction of the results in a cor￾relational study, considering the impact of intervening variables in a partial correlation
study, interpreting the regression weights of variables in a regression analysis, and devel￾oping a predictive equation for use in a prediction study.
In all of these steps, an overall concern is whether your data support the theory, the
hypotheses, or questions. Further, the researcher considers whether the results confi rm
or disconfi rm fi ndings from other studies. Also, a refl ection is made about whether some
of the threats discussed above may have contributed to erroneous coeffi cients and the
steps that might be taken by future researchers to address these concern◆ More than one independent variable needs to be studied to explain the variability
in a dependent variable (multiple regression coeffi cient)
Based on the most appropriate statistical test, the researcher next calculates whether
the statistic is signifi cant based on the scores. For example, a p value is obtained in a
bivariate study by:
◆ Setting the alpha level
◆ Using the critical values of an r table, available in many statistics books
◆ Using degrees of freedom of N = 2 with this table
◆ Calculating the observed r coeffi cient and comparing it with the r-critical value
◆ Rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis at a specifi c signifi cance level, such
as p 6 0.05
In addition, it is useful to also report effect size ( r 2). In correlational analysis, the
effect size is the Pearson’s correlation coeffi cient squared. In representing the results, the
correlational researcher will present a correlation matrix of all variables as well as a sta￾tistical table (for a regression study) reporting the R and R 2
 values and the beta weights
for each variable.
Step 6. Interpret the Results
The fi nal step in conducting a correlational study is interpreting the meaning of the
results. This requires discussing the magnitude and the direction of the results in a cor￾relational study, considering the impact of intervening variables in a partial correlation
study, interpreting the regression weights of variables in a regression analysis, and devel￾oping a predictive equation for use in a prediction study.
In all of these steps, an overall concern is whether your data support the theory, the
hypotheses, or questions. Further, the researcher considers whether the results confi rm
or disconfi rm fi ndings from other studies. Also, a refl ection is made about whether some
of the threats discussed above may have contributed to erroneous coeffi cients and the
steps that might be taken by future researchers to address these concerns.s.HOW DO YOU EVALUATE A CORRELATIONAL STUDY?
To evaluate and assess the quality of a good correlational study, authors consider:
◆ An adequate sample size for hypothesis testing.
◆ The display of correlational results in a matrix or graph.
◆ An interpretation about the direction and magnitude of the association between
two (or more) variables.
◆ An assessment of the magnitude of the relationship based on the coeffi cient of
determination, p values, effect size, or the size of the coeffi cient.
◆ The choice of an appropriate statistic for analysis.
◆ The identifi cation of predictor and the criterion variables.
◆ If a visual model of the relationships is advanced, the researcher indicates the
expected direction of the relationships among variables, or the predicted direction
based on observed data.
◆ The clear identifi cation of the statistical procedures.The Defi nition, Use, and Development of Correlational Research
In some educational situations, neither the treatment nor the ability to manipulate the
conditions are conducive to an experiment. In this case, educators turn to a correla￾tional design. In correlational research, investigators use a correlation statistical technique
to describe and measure the degree of association (or relationship) between two or
more variables or sets of scores. You use a correlational design to study the relationship
between two or more variables or to predict an outcome.
The history of correlational research draws on the themes of the origin and develop￾ment of the correlation statistical test and the procedures for using and interpreting the
statistical test. Statisticians fi rst identifi ed the procedures for calculating the correlation
statistics in the late 19th century. In the late 1800s, Karl Pearson developed the familiar
correlation formula we use today. With the use of multiple statistical procedures such as
factor analysis, reliability estimates, and regression, researchers can test elaborate models
of variables using correlational statistical procedures.
Types of Correlational Designs
Although a correlation is a statistic, its use in research has contributed to a specifi c
research design called correlational research. This research has taken two primary forms
of research design: explanation and prediction. An explanatory correlational design
explains or clarifi es the degree of association among two or more variables at one point
in time. Researchers are interested in whether two variables co-vary, in which a change
in one variable is refl ected in changes in the other. An example is whether motivation
is associated with academic performance. In the second form of design, a prediction
design, the investigator identifi es variables that will positively predict an outcome or cri￾terion. In this form of research, the researcher uses one or more predictor variables and
a criterion (or outcome) variable. A prediction permits us to forecast future performance,
such as whether a student’s GPA in college can be predicted from his or her high school
Key Characteristics of Correlational Designs
Underlying both of these designs are key characteristics of correlational research.
Researchers create displays of scores correlated for participants. These displays are scat￾terplots, a graphic representation of the data, and correlation matrices, a table that shows
the correlation among all the variables. To interpret correlations, researchers examine
the positive or negative direction of the correlation of scores, a plot of the distribution of
scores to see if they are normally or nonnormally distributed, the degree of association
between scores, and the strength of the association of the scores. When more than two
variables are correlated, the researcher is interested in controlling for the effects of the
third variable, and in examining a prediction equation of multiple variables that explains
the outcome.
Ethical Issues in Conducting Correlational Research
Ethical issues arise in many phases of the correlational research process. In data collec￾tion, ethics relate to adequate sample size, lack of control, and the inclusion of as many
predictors as possible. In data analysis, researchers need a comjto include effect size and the use of appropriate statistics. Analysis cannot include mak￾ing up data. In recording and presenting studies, the write-up should include statements
about relationships rather than causation, a willingness to share data, and publishing in
scholarly outlets.
Steps in Conducting a Correlational Study
Steps in conducting a correlational study are to use the design for associating variables or
making predictions, to identify individuals to study, to specify two or more measures for
each individual, to collect data and monitor potential threats to the validity of the scores,
to analyze the data using the correlation statistic for either continuous or categorical data,
and to interpret the strength and the direction of the results.
Criteria for Evaluating a Correlational Study
Evaluate a correlational study in terms of the strength of its data collection, analysis, and
interpretations. These factors include adequate sample size, good presentations in graphs
and matrices, clear procedures, and an interpretation about the relationship among variables.
◆ Identify whether you plan to examine the association between or among variables
or use correlational research to make predictions about an outcome.
◆ Plot on a graph the association between your variables so that you can determine
the direction, form, and strength of the association.
◆ Use appropriate correlational statistics in your design based on whether the
data are continuous or categorical and whether the form of the data is linear or
◆ Present a correlation matrix of the Pearson coeffi cients in your study.
◆ Recognize that a correlation study is not as rigorous as an experiment because
the researcher can only control statistically for variables rather than physically
manipulate variables. Correlational studies do not “prove” relationships; rather,
they indicate an association between or among variables or sets of scores.
◆ Correlational studies are research in which the investigator seeks to explain the
association or relationship among variables or to predict outcomes.
◆ Realize that all correlational studies, no matter how advanced the statistics, use a
correlation coeffi cient as their base for analysis. Understanding the intent of this
coeffi cient helps you determine the results in a correlational study.to include effect size and the use of appropriate statistics. Analysis cannot include mak￾ing up data. In recording and presenting studies, the write-up should include statements
about relationships rather than causation, a willingness to share data, and publishing in
scholarly outlets.
Steps in Conducting a Correlational Study
Steps in conducting a correlational study are to use the design for associating variables or
making predictions, to identify individuals to study, to specify two or more measures for
each individual, to collect data and monitor potential threats to the validity of the scores,
to analyze the data using the correlation statistic for either continuous or categorical data,
and to interpret the strength and the direction of the results.
Criteria for Evaluating a Correlational Study
Evaluate a correlational study in terms of the strength of its data collection, analysis, and
interpretations. These factors include adequate sample size, good presentations in graphs
and matrices, clear procedures, and an interpretation about the relationship among variables.
◆ Identify whether you plan to examine the association between or among variables
or use correlational research to make predictions about an outcome.
◆ Plot on a graph the association between your variables so that you can determine
the direction, form, and strength of the association.
◆ Use appropriate correlational statistics in your design based on whether the
data are continuous or categorical and whether the form of the data is linear or
◆ Present a correlation matrix of the Pearson coeffi cients in your study.
◆ Recognize that a correlation study is not as rigorous as an experiment because
the researcher can only control statistically for variables rather than physically
manipulate variables. Correlational studies do not “prove” relationships; rather,
they indicate an association between or among variables or sets of scores.
◆ Correlational studies are research in which the investigator seeks to explain the
association or relationship among variables or to predict outcomes.
◆ Realize that all correlational studies, no matter how advanced the statistics, use a
correlation coeffi cient as their base for analysis.

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